Welcome to Read the Bible 2012!

In order to encourage you in your own Read the Bible in 2012, I'm blogging the highlights of my daily read through the Bible. I'll plan to post 3 times a week. Remember, these are just my initial observations, questions and responses to my morning reading, not clearly thought out doctrinal positions. I'd love to hear from you about what God seems to be showing you in the text. Please leave a comment.
I am using the schedule in the back of my ESV Study Bible. There are a variety of excellent reading schedules you can find at www.esv.org.
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
(Psalm 119:27 ESV)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More Covenants, The Good Samaritan

Psalm 16
Every time I read the Psalm for the day, I'm saying to myself, This is such a great Psalm. And it is! There is such truth and encouragement here. Check out v.4: The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply. How true is that? And then the encouragement in v.10 that the Lord will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see decay. We know this applies both to Jesus and His followers. And then v.11: You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. I know that in Christ this is true, and I hope you do to!

Genesis 17
Here is the call to circumcision and more of God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants. I note it is an everlasting covenant between God and the children of Abraham. The circumcision is a sign of this covenant, a sign that Jesus received in his own human body, so we read in Luke a couple of weeks ago. 
Why do you think Abraham asks the Lord that Ishmael be the child of this covenant? Is it Abraham's love for Ishmael, or his lack of faith that Sarah will bear a child? Is this the first instance of someone getting a new name from God?? Recalls God naming Adam.  Look for Abraham/Adam comparisons. I saw one in the last chapter where Abraham listened to the voice of Sarah and took Hagar into his bed. Does this compare to Eve offering Adam the fruit?

1 Chronicles 17
More covenant, this time with David. I love that David considered his home and was convicted that he should invest in a home for the Lord. Interesting that Nathan says go for it, but then the Lord says no. David's not the one to build the Lord a house; his son will. This may be a reminder to seek the Lord before we offer someone else council. 
And then the Lord says, David, you won't build my house, but I will build yours. WOW! And of course this promise looks ahead to a king who will sit on the eternal throne - that would be Jesus!

Luke 10.25-42
One of the best known texts in all the Bible, the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The interaction of Jesus with the lawyer is great - you tell me what the Bible says; do this and live - like anyone could love God and neighbor perfectly. 
I'm struck by the generosity of the Samaritan in the story, reading it this time. Take care of him and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back. This guy's a stranger to the Samaritan. This incredible generosity convicts me, challenges me, calls me to consider the generosity Christ shows to me.
See that Luke bundles this account with the Martha and Mary account. Call to give Jesus our first attentions lifted up even before showing mercy, serving others. Hmmm. 
What strikes you about this passage from Luke?? 


  1. I'm reminded of the sweet little lady clerk who helped me yesterday. I asked how she was, and she said "sore." I asked her why, and she showed me a big bruised knot on her wrist. She said she had fallen in the parking lot the day before. I told her how sorry I was that she had fallen. She said "you know, the worst part is several people saw me fall, and not one person said anything nor offered to help me."
    That made me very sad.

    1. I wonder if there are parallels to the reasons the Levite and the Priest refusing to help the victim in the parable, and the reasons observers might not have helped this woman. Keep up the good reading Don!

  2. It is interesting That it says Martha was distracted by serving. It is not wrong to serve but if it distracts you from the Lord it's just as bad as ignoring him. There is a time and place for everything. In Psalm The juxtaposition of chapters 15 & 16 was interesting. Chapter 15 showed God perfect standards for us then 16 showed us that we can never bee perfect. But the good news is that God knows we can't meet his standards and he explains that if you give your life to him you don't have to be Perfect.
    In fact he doesnt expect us to be perfect he want us to
    lean on him because he has provided a way and that is
    through Jesus Christ his perfect son. Wow that is a great psalm!!
