Welcome to Read the Bible 2012!

In order to encourage you in your own Read the Bible in 2012, I'm blogging the highlights of my daily read through the Bible. I'll plan to post 3 times a week. Remember, these are just my initial observations, questions and responses to my morning reading, not clearly thought out doctrinal positions. I'd love to hear from you about what God seems to be showing you in the text. Please leave a comment.
I am using the schedule in the back of my ESV Study Bible. There are a variety of excellent reading schedules you can find at www.esv.org.
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
(Psalm 119:27 ESV)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shepherd Psalm, Sacrifice of Isaac, Roll Call, and Lost Things

Psalm 23
In today's reading we encounter two of the best known chapters in the Bible, Psalm 23, the Shepherd's Psalm, and Luke 15, The Parable of the Prodigal. I was looking at this Psalm with my daughters this morning. They keyed on vv.3 and 4. It's the Lord who restores my soul; if I'm to walk in paths of righteousness, the Lord has to lead me. He does it for His glory, not for mine - for His name's sake.
Our church family has been walking through the valley of the shadow of death, having recently lost a dear family member. I think about Donald Grey Barnhouse's illustration about the death of his wife, and how Jesus was hit by death, but only the shadow of death passes over the believer. WOW. I will fear no evil. What does that look like in the life of a believer, not fearing evil? Obviously it involves completely trusting God - I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. God help me to believe and embrace every truth in this Psalm. No wonder it's everyone's favorite.

Genesis 22
I'm struck by how much Genesis 22.2 sounds like John 3.16. This chapter is full of parallel's Christ to Isaac, looking ahead to God's provision of salvation in Jesus. See how Abraham tells the servants that he and Isaac will be returning. Abraham really did believe the LORD, that his offspring would come through Isaac.
Last Sunday I was asking one of our Sunday School kids what animal was sacrificed by Abraham in this passage, rather than Isaac. He told me a moose. - Okay, I didn't see that one coming. A MOOSE?

1 Chronicles 27
Some more lists. God what do you want to show us with these lists? Here's one cool insight - given how we are studying the life of Abraham at the same time, and just read God's promise to make Abraham's descendants as numerous as the stars, and the sands - God has done it. By the time we get to 1 Chronicles, here we have lists of thousands, hundreds of thousands of living descendants of Abraham in the time of David. See the note in v.23 to that very effect. God you did it all through Isaac. Amazing. How can I doubt your promises????
Is this the result of the census that David got in so much trouble for - 3 days of plague?

Luke 15
Is there a better chapter in the Bible?  The stories of the Lost Things. We spent 5 weeks on this chapter in our Sunday studies a while back. I love how in v.21 the lost son isn't able to get his prepared speech of repentance out, before his Father interrupts him with instructions for the party to be thrown in celebration of his homecoming. I love how the passage makes the point we are all lost. See the increasing percentages. 1% of sheep lost; 10% of coins lost, 50% of sons lost . . . scratch that last one . . . turns out both boys are lost, one in sin of rebellion, other in sin of self righteousness - 100% sons lost - i.e. we are all lost. 
What's your favorite verse in Luke 15? Do you see your story of salvation in this parable?
I am praying that you will keep reading. Great job!!

1 comment:

  1. It was cool that in genesis Abraham told his servants they were both coming back. Abraham trusted that God would fullfill his promise and the nation of israel would come from issac. Abraham had full dependence on God. -AJ
