Welcome to Read the Bible 2012!

In order to encourage you in your own Read the Bible in 2012, I'm blogging the highlights of my daily read through the Bible. I'll plan to post 3 times a week. Remember, these are just my initial observations, questions and responses to my morning reading, not clearly thought out doctrinal positions. I'd love to hear from you about what God seems to be showing you in the text. Please leave a comment.
I am using the schedule in the back of my ESV Study Bible. There are a variety of excellent reading schedules you can find at www.esv.org.
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
(Psalm 119:27 ESV)

Friday, January 20, 2012

General vs. Special Revelation, Sister Sarah, a Giant Round Up and a Rich Fool

Psalm 19
Many of us are familiar with this Psalm. It lifts up how God reveals Himself in two different ways. - General Revelation and Special Revelation. God reveals himself generally in the created order - v.1, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 
In v.7 there is the change of focus to special revelation of God in His word - the law of the LORD is perfect! Here are some fantastic descriptions of God's Word and what it accomplishes in our lives!
What do you think v.9 means? - the fear of the Lord is clean.?

Genesis 20
Abraham is at it again, trying to pass Sarah of as his sister. This time I wonder, was Sarah that attractive that she would be taken into Abimelech's  harem? Isn't she in her 90's at this point? She must have worn it well!

1 Chronicles 20
Is the comment, David remained at Jerusalem, while Joab led out the army, is this a rebuke of David?
The rest of the text is all about the giant roundup.I wonder if the vikings were descended from these guys???

Luke 12.13-48
The Parable of the Rich Fool has always been one of my favorite parables. I'm tickled when the rich fool says, I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods . . . But God says, This night your soul will be required of you. I used to have a buddy, when he would tell us story, he would say, I said to myself, Self . . . .
Well the rich fool's soul doesn't fare too well. I am convicted by the mandate here - Be rich toward God. Are you being rich toward God?
This parable is followed up with an encouragement not to be anxious about going without. Interesting that in the same chapter we are being charged not to let wealth or the lack of it take our focus of the Lord.
Don't miss two big purpose statements at the end of this chapter. Jesus came to cast fire, and Jesus came to divide. Not what we usually think of when we think of the purposes of the incarnation.  Oops, I'm reading ahead. I can't help it; it's just so good! We will finish Luke 12 tomorrow.
What's your favorite verse in this 2nd half of Luke 12?


  1. The fear of the Lord is most defiinatly a necessity in a Christians relationship with the Lord. What would be awe-inspiring about a God you completely understood and knew? Would you even seek a relationship with him. But because he is mysterious and not completely known we do have a hunger to know who he is. With that mystery come fear and that fear is a healthy fear. It's a fear that demands respect and when we give him that respect he showed us his love and pours out his blessings in our lives. -AJ

  2. Isn't it wild AJ that we will never fully know the infinite God, that in heaven we will spend an eternity continuing to know Him better and better.Heaven could never be boring because there will always be learning about God. Keep reading! Pastor L
