- Psalms and Wisdom Literature
- The Law and History of Israel
- Chronicles and the Prophets
- Gospel and Epistles.
Here's my Day 3 reading.
The Fall, Genesis 3
Big mistake. Big mistake every time we defy the commands of the Living God. Why didn't the talking snake tip them off that something was very wrong? Were all the animals talking? Was this Narnia like? Satan attacks by manipulating God's Word - tells Eve that God said don't touch the fruit - God didn't say that, a subtle lie aimed at twisting the truth. Interesting.
Note the chiasm, God questions Adam, then Eve, then curses serpent, then Eve, then Adam. Puts focus on center curse of serpent - Gen 3.15, the first gospel promise, "he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel." This is Jesus!
I see Adam is questioned first. Affirms his authority and his responsibility. - He takes a pass - the woman you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree and I ate it. Wimp! Adam blames Eve; Adam blames God. No repentance. What would have happened if Adam had repented here?
Adam and Eve made clothes from fig leaves, and later God made clothes from animal skin - suggests Adam and Eve couldn't cover their sin adequately, suggests blood had to be shed to cover sin.
Psalm 2, The Lord's Begotten Son
So who is the King here? David, David's Sons, Jesus, All three. I know this verse gets quoted in Hebrews.
Here's a great promise - Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.
1 Chronicles 3, David's Descendants
Lots of names. Don't get bogged down in lists. Many attempts to read through the Bible get derailed by lists like these in the beginning of Chronicles. Don't be lame and use these sections of the Bible to cop out on your commitment. Keep reading!
There are are always interesting little nuggets buried in these lists. What I thought was interesting here was the reference to Zerubbabel. He led Jews back to Jerusalem from Babylon during the Restoration Period after Cyrus the Great led the Persian Empire to victory over the Babylonians. Way to go Cyrus!
This tidbit of info tells us that this Book of Chronicles was written during/after the restoration period, or at least the contents of the book were collected and put together at this time. So what is the intent of the Chronicler in respect to the book's first readers?? To show the Lord's faithfulness to His promises to David, the Jews, through the period of Kings and Exile??
Luke 1, The Naming Of John, and Zechariah Is De-mutified
Yeah! - John the Baptist is born and his dad gets his voice back! Why did the people make signs to the Zeke? Was he deaf too, or did they assume because he couldn't speak he couldn't hear? John was prepared by the Lord in the wilderness for public ministry. Has the Lord at times placed me in a wilderness to prepare me for the work ahead?
Tell Me What You Think
Was Zechariah deaf as well as mute? What strikes you most about Genesis 3, and the Fall of Adam and Eve?
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