Welcome to Read the Bible 2012!

In order to encourage you in your own Read the Bible in 2012, I'm blogging the highlights of my daily read through the Bible. I'll plan to post 3 times a week. Remember, these are just my initial observations, questions and responses to my morning reading, not clearly thought out doctrinal positions. I'd love to hear from you about what God seems to be showing you in the text. Please leave a comment.
I am using the schedule in the back of my ESV Study Bible. There are a variety of excellent reading schedules you can find at www.esv.org.
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
(Psalm 119:27 ESV)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Great Is the Lord!

Psalm 40
All right, can we all just stop and memorize this incredible Psalm! What an encouragement! He set my feet upon a rock; He drew me up from the pit; He put a new song in my heart. 
V.4 is a great promise, Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust. What does that look like in your life? V.5, None can compare with you . . . so why do we so often settle for less Lord?
V.10, the psalmist refuses to be quiet about what the Lord has done for him. Are you speaking up about what the Lord has done for you!
Check out v.16, But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually "Great is the Lord." Are you saying this continually?!! We need to be. I want to be! Great is the Lord!

Genesis 37
You can see this one coming, the trouble Joseph is going to get into with his brothers. He gives his dad a bad report of his brothers' activities, he tells on them; he gets a special coat from his Dad, and his brothers are jealous. Then he reveals a dream to his brothers about how they will all bow down to him. This has sell your brother to slave traders written all over it.
Interesting that it's Reuben who wants to intercede for Joe. Maybe he is more mature, maybe he has kids of his own and appreciates how Joseph's loss will impact his dad.
Jacob pondering Joseph's dream reminds me of Mary pondering all those things about Jesus in her heart.
The sale price for Joseph, shekels of silver, anticipates the betrayal of Jesus. 

2 Chronicles 14
Asa sounds like a great King. I love how his reforms are said to bring rest to Israel. What a blessing. Asa plunders the Ethopians, recalls Moses plundering the Egyptians. Asa's declaration reminds me of David's Psalm 40 we read today. V.11, Asa says, Oh Lord there is none like you to help.

Acts 8
This is a great chapter in Acts, with two great characters - Simon the Magician, and the Ethopian Eunuch.
The Church is being persecuted and that sends the gospel beyond Judea, just as Jesus had foretold at His ascension, Acts 1.8: You will be my witnesses . . . 
Simon, you wonder, did things ever turn around for him? Did he repent, or was it too late? - See Peter's comment, pray to the Lord that if possible . . . 
The Holy Spirit is withheld until it can be witnessed by Peter and John, so they could affirm the Samaritans were truly in Christ.
Philip and the Ethopian reminds me much of the Road to Emmaus encounter. It's on the road. Philip shows the eunuch the gospel as it appears in the OT. Philip vanishes after, like Jesus vanishes from the disciples' sight in Luke 24. Are you willing to share the gospel with those who ask for an explanation? Do you know His word so you can be prepared?

I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. Psalm 40.8

1 comment:

  1. Come on Pastor, more blog posts please! I'm on day 75 of my reading plan, where are you in yours?
